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Registering Callbacks#

The thermostat provides a few callbacks that you can register to get notified about messages from the thermostat or changes in the connection state. Callbacks can either be synchronous or asynchronous.

Note: The latest DeviceData, Status, and Schedule can also be queried and are returned by the async_get_status(), async_get_device_data(), and async_get_schedule() methods.


The following events are available:

Event Description Arguments
Eq3Event.CONNECTED The thermostat is connected. DeviceData, Status, Schedule
Eq3Event.DISCONNECTED The thermostat is disconnected. None
Eq3Event.DEVICE_DATA_RECEIVED Device data was received. DeviceData
Eq3Event.STATUS_RECEIVED Status data was received. Status
Eq3Event.SCHEDULE_RECEIVED Schedule data was received. Schedule


In this example, we connect to the thermostat and register a callback for the Eq3Event.STATUS_RECEIVED event.

import asyncio
from eq3btsmart import Thermostat, Eq3Event, Status

thermostat = Thermostat("00:1A:22:12:34:56") # Replace with your thermostat's MAC address

def status_received_callback(status: Status):
    print(f"Received status: {status}")

async def main():
    await thermostat.async_connect()

    thermostat.register_callback(Eq3Event.STATUS_RECEIVED, status_received_callback)

    await thermostat.async_get_status() # Request the current status
    await asyncio.sleep(10) # Wait for 10 seconds

    await thermostat.async_disconnect()